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Product code: NPB-L | ID: 321011
Pedalboard - Large from NUX. Designed with the experience of crafting pedals for more than 10 years. NUX Bumblebee offers you the optimum board space. Allowing you to customize your very own pedalboard in the most efficient way. You can assemble the platforms in order the way you like.
NUX Bumblebee is made by anodized aluminum material; which is "solid as a rock, light as a pillow". The bottom of the platforms are carved and well-supported, and gives you some space to cover your cables without losing any strength. And the side parts are strongly holds all the parts together, it can absorb the shock when you hit your pedal footswitch.
There are cable organizers in the box. You can attach to below any platform and it can hold the cables. Easy to organize all the cables and it helps you to save your time when you want to replace or re-organize your pedals.
There are 2 ways to use the cable organizers; you can use the clips and attach the cables, and you can use it as a holder and cables can cross inside the organizers.
Comes with a light-weight carrying bag made from water repellent material.
All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.
Alfredo C.
ergonomic and solid.
Pavel K.
Czech Republic
Naprosto dokonalý pedalboard, variabilní a masivní, přitom lehký. Nejlepší, co jsem kdy měl.
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Michal S.
Czech Republic
Naprosto skvělé. Lepší a univerzálnější základnu pro pedal board jsem nenašel (ani mezi výrazně dražšími)
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Czech Republic
výborně vymyšleno i provedeno. Nejlepší PedalBoard, co jsem měl.
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